Dear brothers and sisters,
This week, we welcomed Fr. Joel Barstad at St. Elizabeth’s. He came to assess the transport of the icon screen we announced last week. Again, I am grateful for your understanding and generosity towards the Sts. Cyril and Methodius Byzantine Community. The icons will be removed in the next few weeks.
We have also restarted the Campus Outreach activities. Our FOCUS missionaries have been walking the Campus and meeting new students. This week, we also had our second cookout of the semester. More than 40 students participated in it!
Bible Studies will restart the last week of September. I am also looking forward to the start of discipleship for the students.
On Sunday, September 17th, we will start a new Bible Study open to people of all ages. It is entitled “A Biblical Walk Through the Mass,” by Ascension Press.
This Bible study will explore and explain how everything in the Mass is based on the Bible. Understanding some of the Biblical roots of the Mass will enhance our experience. Please join us on Sundays after Mass for a short video and open discussion. There is no cost to attend. The workbook is optional and for a fee.
Fr. Martin and I have also started our ministry of Spiritual Direction for college students. Spiritual direction is a personal encounter to accompany you in your spiritual journey. For example, we can chat about the spiritual life, prayer, overcoming defects or sins, relationships with friends or family, and any other area of your life where you think the perspective of a priest would be valuable. Please scan the spiritual direction QR code from this page to sign up.
May our Lady of Guadalupe keep us always in the crossing of her arms.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Richard, MC