Last Sunday, I sprained my ankle on the way to the Cathedral for Confessions. I rolled my ankle in the second step after going out the door. It was the silliest accident I have ever had. I went to the
Oct 22 – Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Last Sunday, I sprained my ankle on the way to the Cathedral for Confessions. I rolled my ankle in the second step after going out the door. It was the silliest accident I have ever had. I went to the
In June of 1997, I had the joy of receiving the habit of Miles Christi. I had joined the Order in 1994. Acquiring the habit was the culmination of many years of intense preparation. I still remember taking off the
St. Rabanus, a Father of the Church from the 8th century, has an interesting take on today’s parable, “a vineyard has been let out to each of us to dress, when the mystery of baptism was given us, to be
St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, wrote a great little book called “Spiritual Exercises.” This writing of his is a handbook for retreats. Thousands of saints have come out of the Exercises over five hundred years. The impact
We all know the story of the Good Thief very well. This man was crucified alongside Jesus and asked Jesus to remember him when he came into his kingdom, unlike his companion. In the Catholic Church, we call him St.
In the opening scene of “Les Misérables,” Jean Valjean is introduced as a former convict who has just been released from prison. He’s struggling to find food and shelter when he comes across the home of a kind-hearted bishop. Valjean
St. Augustine’s friend Alypius was drawn to the public spectacles featuring gladiators in Milan, Italy. Despite being a religious person with a great sense of justice, St. Augustine was deeply grieved that his friend seemed likely to cast away his
Today, we hear in the Gospel, “Get behind me, Satan! You are an obstacle to me. You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.” We find a big contrast with last week’s Gospel when Jesus named
As you all know, I was born in Argentina, the land of Maradona and Messi. Soccer is the national sport, and everyone knows and talks about it. The streets are deserted when the national team plays any match of the
Last July, I visited my family in Argentina. I had a great time visiting with family, friends, and the Miles Christi Priests and Brothers. I also ate lots of “asado,” “mollejas,” and “provoleta” (look them up!). One of the things