Dear brothers and sisters,
I want to share a “check-in” we got on our Facebook page from Norman Maynes. Norman took a selfie with our “When I was Hungry & Thirsty” statue last Thursday. He wrote in his post, “So I passed by this man it’s a statue and this is a man asking for change. I put some change in his cup, I know it was going to be a donation for the church but I realized I looked at the man’s hands and they have holes in his hands. I said oh my God this is Jesus Christ as a statue asking for change. So I realized to change my ways I have to pay up and have my faith in the Lord. Amen.”
What a wonderful reflection from Norman. We keep him in our prayers! By the way, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram if you still need to do so! 🙂
Next Sunday, February 12, we will host coffee and doughnuts after Mass. We are planning to do this once a month. This gathering will be an opportunity to get to know each other better and foster a deeper fellowship.
The Bible Studies are up and running again. We have three studies for young men and two for young women. Please, keep praying that we keep attracting more students to our ministry.
Lastly, we have restarted our Thursday lunches. Every Thursday after Mass, the FOCUS missionaries cook lunch for our students. This semester we started something new. During lunch, I give a talk with a powerpoint presentation and questions and answers. The feedback has been very positive. We are now studying the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
May our Lady of Guadalupe shower abundant graces over you and your family.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Richard, MC